
Following the most recent Superman television spot, I’m fairly confident I know why David Corenswet’s Kal-El is lying bloody in the snow. While there are very few things that can physically harm the Man of Steel, he’s not completely invincible. With that in mind, I feel as though a key shot is teasing how Superman will be beaten into submission, so much so that he has to call his super dog Krypto for help.

The original Superman traileropens with Kal-El crashing in the Arctic and lying in the snow, having taken some major hits by something or something. However, it’s not explicitly revealed who or what delivered the beating. That being said, a new shot from Superman’s new “Icon” TV spot implies who went after Superman, while also supporting one of the biggest villain theories for the upcoming DCU movie.

The New Superman Movie Trailer Teases What Happened To The Man Of Steel In The First Scene Of The Original Trailer

Lex Luthor

Without a doubt, the big shot from the new television teaser was the ending with Superman flying across the Arctic, presumably near the Fortress of Solitude which was shown in the original trailer. However, there’s also a key shot of Nicholas Hoult’s Lex Luthor. Not only is the classic DC villain accompanied by a mysterious figure whose face is covered by a black hood and goggles, but the two of them are also shown exiting a jet in the Arctic.

Thanks to this new shot, the implication is that there will likely be some sort of confrontation between Lex and Superman in the Arctic, as well with Lex’s bodyguard, whom many have theorized to either be the DCU’s take on Ultraman, Bizarro, or the two characters from the comics combined as one new foe. This will likely be due to Luthor eventually figuring out where Kal-El’s Fortress is located. If so, one can imagine that Lex will be responsible for the shot of Superman bleeding in the snow from the first trailer.

How The Setup For Superman Supports The Lex Luthor Theory

Apex Lex

It stands to reason that Superman could meet his match if Lex’s bodyguard is secretly a Bizarro clone of Superman, just like the one Lex created in DC’s New 52 comics. However, it’s also possible that Lex is seeking the Fortress to collect resources that would allow him to take on Superman himself, whether that’s kryptonite or some means of enhancing his own physical abilities (which I think would be a lot more exciting).


Superman: Release Date, Trailer, Plot Details & Everything We Know

Superman is the first entry in James Gunn’s much anticipated new DCU, and here is everything we know from cast to story and release date.

Interestingly enough, it was rumored during the casting process for Superman that one role was being referred to under the codename “Apex”. Because there’s a superpowered version of Luthor in the comics known as “Apex Lex”, many assumed that the role was indeed the DCU’s new Lex Luthor. Combined with the confirmation that Hoult worked out for the role, it certainly feels possible that Lex may be looking to rival the Man of Steel’s strength using something from the Fortress, regardless of how effective or not his bodyguard may be against Kal-El (who is shown in the original trailer taking on Superman).

The Lex Luthor Theory Means I’m Even More Excited To See The DCU’s Superman Movie

A Lex Luthor To Rival Superman Both Physically and Mentally

At any rate, I’m convinced that Lex Luthor will find a means of hurting Superman in the upcoming DCU movie, and will indeed be the one responsible for Kal-El becoming incapacitated as seen in the first trailer. Ultimately, it would be very cool if Lex’s bodyguard is indeed revealed to be some form of Ultraman and/or Bizarro created by Luthor to kill the Man of Steel. However, I’d also love to see Lex completely obsessed with personally becoming Superman’s superior in the DCU, both in mind and in body.

A Lex Luthor trying to match Superman in physical power would certainly be very exciting and fairly unique as far as theatrical depictions of Luthor are concerned. Even if it’s just classic power armor as he does in the comics, I would love to see a live-action Lex Luthor getting his hands dirty and fighting Superman on the big screen. Either way, it certainly feels like there’s enough evidence to claim that DC fans should expect Lex Luthor to be responsible for Superman being bloody and beaten in the snow when the new DCU movie releases this summer.

Superman releases in theaters on July 11th, 2025.


Release Date

July 11, 2025


James Gunn


James Gunn, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster


Lars P. Winther, Peter Safran



Upcoming DC Movie Releases

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