
The mastermind scribe behind Black Lightning has publicly come out as transgender. Jenny Blake Isabella created the Black Lightning character and the original series of the same name in 1977, alongside artist Trevor Von Eeden, marking the first time a Black superhero led his own DC series. Though she is not writing the current Black Lightning series, Isabella has consistently written for DC for more than forty years.

Through a post on X, Black Lightning creator Jenny Blake Isabella comes out as transgender.

At the time of her post, she initially said she’d reveal more in time but, in the meantime, prefers privacy for herself, her wife, and her children. In the time since, she has answered some questions on Facebook:

Preferred name? Jenny Blake Isabella, though I will be writing under both that name and Tony Isabella.

Conventions? I will be presenting as Tony Isabella for most of this year’s events.

She also posted on X that, although coming out “was one of the scariest things I have ever done,” Isabella has been happy with the love and support her fanbase has shown for her.

Black Lightning Creator Comes Out as Transgender

The LGBTQ+ and Comics Community Welcomes Jenny Blake Isabella

Additional social media posts that Isabella posted over the past couple of days detail the 73-year-old attending her first hair appointment at the Green Opal Salon, as well as a Christmas ornament gifted to her with her chosen name. The Black Lightning creator has confirmed that she will be using her birth name as a pen name and as a name for her convention appearances for the time being, though some of her writings will be featuring her newly chosen name.

Isabella’s coming out has inspired support for those who love her work, including fans of the Black Lightning character.

Beyond her work with Black Lightning, Isabella has also collaborated with Marvel on fan-favorite projects, such as “What If Spider-Man Had Rescued Gwen Stacy?” Black Lightning, though, is widely regarded as her magnum opus, helping to expand the visibility and diversity of Black superheroes. Judging from the comments on her latest social media posts, Isabella’s coming out has inspired support for those who love her work, including fans of the Black Lightning character, as well as some more unfavorable reactions. Despite the mixed reactions, Isabella reports being happy with the flood of support.

Black Lightning Officially Joins Queer Comic-Book History

Created by One DC’s Many Iconic Trans Writers

From a reader perspective, the most exciting aspect about Isabella’s coming out is that it officially recontextualizes Black Lightning as a queer text and a key part of queer comic-book history. New readings of Black Lightning’s adventures will surely emerge with time, especially as Isabella continues her journey and shares her experiences with fans. Isabella’s work with Black Lightning has long been considered historic and essential in DC history – now it’s doubly so.

Source: Jenny Blake Isabella’s X (1, 2) and Facebook

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Black Lightning

Release Date

2018 – 2020


The CW


Salim Akil

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