

The Flash Family is physically fused into a lethal Speed Force Storm in a dark future.
The Flash Storm can rapidly age or de-age anything it touches, exhibiting immense time powers.
The Flash Family’s cross-generational dynamic sets them apart as heroes, even as they face a horrifying fate.

The Flash Family is easily closer than the DCU’s Bat-Family or the Super-Family, and this closeness took on a twisted new form in a dark future. Instead of the members simply being there to support one another, they were horrifically fused into a single horrifying being.

During Batman: Last Knight on Earth by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Batman wakes up in a nightmare-ish version of the world he once knew. Everything seems to have completely fallen apart, with the world in utter shambles. The Justice League is missing, and large sections of the world are destroyed. While searching for Superman, Batman ends up discovering the horrifying fate of the Flash Family in issue #2.

While Batman and the Joker are resting after a long night’s journey, a terrible red tornado appears over the horizon. Batman initially doesn’t know what it is, and the Joker warns him that it’s a Speed Force Storm, something that’ll either age him to dust or age him down to the cells of a baby. As Batman tries to take cover, the Speed Force Storm is revealed to be a fusion of the entire Flash Family.


DC’s Flash Family Shows Its Full Force in 1 Epic Page – But They’re Missing a Key Hero

The Flash Family finally comes back together in a moment DC fans need to see. But with one speedster is missing, what does it mean for the team?

The Flash Family Becomes a Deadly Speed Force Storm

Batman: Last Knight On Earth #2 by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, FCO Plascencia, and Tom Napolitano

Speedster powers are some of the most dangerous on the planet — especially the Flash Family’s. Not only can speedsters move faster than the eye can see, but they’ve also been shown to have remarkable powers over time. Barry Allen is infamous for constantly traveling through time, both backwards and forwards, and it seems that when the Flash family is merged, their power over time is only increased. Now this Flash Storm can age or de-age anyone in a matter of micro-seconds, as they’re seen turning a completely healthy horse to nothing but bones and dust in less than a second.

This cross-generational make-up gives the Flash Family a unique dynamic that no other superhero family really offers.

The Flash Family is best known for supporting each member through the generations. Unlike the Bat-Family and the Super-Family, the Flash Family is constituted of different generations of heroes. Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, and Bart Allen, for example, are all from different generations. This cross-generational make-up gives the Flash Family a unique dynamic that no other superhero family really offers. That’s why it’s so unnerving to see the dark future of this Flash Family in which they’re physically merged together, becoming nothing more than another dangerous hazard of this broken world.

The Flash Family Are Closer Than Ever in a Horrifying Twist

Can They Avoid This Fate?

The Flash Family will always be there for one another, no matter what world-ending threats they face or what family arguments they get into. It’s one of the things that gives them such an amazing dynamic and makes them such a beloved DCU hero family. They have decades of experience between all of them, and they’re always willing to support each other. But in this dark future, it seems that theFlash Family will never be free of one another, and they’ll be together forever, much to the horror of everyone else.

Batman: Last Knight On Earth #2is available now from DC Comics!

“}]] The Flash Family has a horrifying fate.  Read More