[[“value”:”Absolute Power #2 cover, via DC Comics.

Ray – 9/10

Ray: The heroes suffered a devastating blow in the first issue of this event, as most of them saw their powers stripped and the few who weren’t captured were quickly driven underground. And as Waller continues her assault – as well as trying to parent her “Daughter” Brainiac Queen and keep her from going too far even for the infamous commander of Task Force X – the heroes face a threat potentially worse than Waller. That would be inner discord, as the would-be leaders of the mission squabble. This is resolved when Nightwing steps up, becoming not the hard-nosed leader they were seeking but the collective voice of the heroes. This is another nice extension of the leadership role he’s been taking in the DCU, something that’s incredibly overdue, and it’s great to see Batman taking some pride in his son. It almost seems like the heroes are turning the tide – and then reality hits in a big way.

Captured. Via DC Comics.

We know that while Superman escaped, his son wasn’t so lucky, and Jon Kent wound up in Waller’s custody – and this issue reveals that he’s been transformed into a cyborg Superman of sorts, brainwashed by Brainiac Queen to hunt down his own family. This raises the emotional stakes of the story sky high, as we’ve rarely seen Superman this panicked and enraged. He’s willing to do some things that were pretty shocking to get his son back, and so are some other people – Waller’s team has been a mix of willing volunteers and forced draftees, including some heroes. One character makes a stand and a sacrifice at the end of the issue that provided some of the best moments of the issue – but also almost has to be a fake-out, or we’ll be seeing pitchforks outside DC headquarters. This is one of the bleakest DC stories I’ve ever seen, but I have full faith in Waid that the whole picture will bring it together in the perfect way for his upcoming JLU relaunch.

To find reviews of all the DC issues, visit DC This Week.

GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.

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“]] Amanda Waller strikes back – turning one of the heroes’ own against them in a brutal display of power.  Read More