Comic Book

Jeffrey Lyles

October 3, 2023
Batman, Birds of Prey, Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville, Shazam, The Joker

The Gotham War hits its fourth chapter in Batman #138 with a massive twist. The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing reaches its penultimate issue. Birds of Prey #2 finds the team fully engaged in their mission. Check out these reviews and more.

Batman #138

Birds of Prey #2

Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville #2

The Joker the Man Who Stopped Laughing #11

Shazam #4

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Star Wars Ahsoka: The Jedi, The Witch and The Warlord review S1 E8

 Batman #138 sees the Gotham War rage on as Batman battles Nightwing and Damian takes on Robin. Check out the other reviews this week too.  Read More