Warning: contains spoilers for Shazam! #20!
The debate surrounding who is the best Robin will never die down, but one DC hero thinks he has the answer. A handful of heroes have called themselves Robin throughout the years, sparking conversations about who is the best of the lot. This debate is likely to continue, with no clear answer. However, in Shazam! #20, the titular hero casts his vote for the best Robin.
Shazam! #20 is written by Sina Grace and drawn by Dan McDaid. Jon Kent, AKA Superboy, has been de-aged through magic. Jon seeks help to reverse his dilemma, leading to a team up with Shazam (now calling himself the Captain). Jon decides to seek out the help of his former best friend: Damian Wayne. Jon and the Captain find Damian, but the ex-Robin is not interested in helping. While Jon and Damian discuss the situation, the Captain is absolutely awestruck to be in Damian’s presence. Damian is clearly the Captain’s favorite Robin, but he is denied a chance to team up.
Robin is Still the Best Sidekick in Comics
Damian Wayne Is THE Robin for a Generation of Fans
Robin’s arrival in Detective Comics #38 changed not only Batman’s life forever, but the face of comic books as well.
Robin’s arrival in Detective Comics #38 changed not only Batman’s life forever, but the face of comic books as well. Robin helped popularize the concept of a teen sidekick and, before long, seemingly every hero had one. Robin provided a bright and cheerful counterpoint to Batman, and kept the Dark Knight grounded. Dick Grayson, the first Robin, eventually outgrew the role, and passed it down to Jason Todd. From there, Batman would have a steady stream of Robins, including Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown and Bruce’s son Damian.
Stephanie Brown, in addition to being Robin, has also held the mantle of Batgirl.
The various Robins have their own personalities and quirks, but even then, Damian Wayne stands apart from them. Batman’s son with Talia al’ Ghul, Damian, spent the first decade of his life with the League of Shadows, being trained as an assassin. Damian forsook the League, and allied himself with his father, eventually taking the mantle of Robin. Far more abrasive and callous than his predecessors, Damian nevertheless found a true friend in Jon Kent. The two shared a number of adventures as the Super-Sons, but the alliance was split when Jon was aged prematurely.
Batman’s Sidekicks Live Off Trauma, But DC Knows One Robin Is Different
While every Robin has endured a rougher childhood than most, DC has officially confirmed which Boy Wonder’s past was the least traumatic.
While Damian has since stepped down from the role of Robin, he made a lasting impression. Some fans feel he is the best Robin to date, while others maintain Dick Grayson remains the gold standard. Other fans pledge loyalty to Jason Todd, while still more feel Tim Drake was the best Robin. Stephanie Brown, even though she was Robin for only a short time, also has her fans. The debate over who is the best Robin will no doubt rage on for years, with no clear winner ever being crowned.
The Captain’s Favorite Robin Is… Damian Wayne?
Why Does the Captain Idolize Damian Wayne? DC Never Says
Now, the Captain has weighed in on DC’s Robin debate—and his clear favorite is Damian Wayne. Although Damian is only in Shazam! #20 for a few pages, he makes the most of it. Even though he rebukes Jon and the Captain, the Captain is not deterred, and remains in awe of Damian. The Captain tries to muster up the courage to talk to Damian, but he slips away before Billy can do so. The Captain’s behavior, clearly being played for laughs, is a stark contrast to Jon and Damian’s awkward exchange.
Although the Captain did not get to team up with Damian, a future adventure starring the two is ripe with possibility.
That Damian is the Captain’s favorite Robin is also surprising. Damian Wayne, even on his best days, can rub people the wrong way. He is blunt and says what is on his mind, even if it is not the right thing to do. Damian was trained to be a killing machine–in other words, the exact opposite of the Captain. Grace and McDaid do not explain why Damian is the Captain’s favorite Robin, leaving it as one of Billy’s idiosyncrasies. Although the Captain did not get to team up with Damian, a future adventure starring the two is ripe with possibility.
Shazam! #20 is on sale now from DC Comics!
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