Today, DC announced the return of its DC Pride anthology, and the 2025 edition is introducing an interesting twist from previous additions. The Eisner and Ringo award-winning DC Pride anthology is back for the fifth straight year, as it highlights DC’s roster of LGBTQIA+ heroes. Instead of simply being a collection of short stories, DC Pride 2025 will be a singular story arc of interweaving narratives. The roster of creators attached is an all-star list that includes Tim Sheridan, Vita Ayala, Josh Trujillo, Skylar Patridge, A.L. Kaplan, Max Sarin, and more.
“DC Pride 2025 is a celebration of life, love and the power of community—even and especially in uncertain times,” said Tim Sheridan, writer of the GLAAD Media Award-nominated series Alan Scott: The Green Lantern. “The roster of talent shaping this story is as epic as the story itself—so all I can say is buckle up for big action, bigger fun, and the biggest stakes yet. This book, as it has been in years past, is a way to reach out to our community and remind them we’re all in this together.”
“It is such a huge honor to be part of the story DC has been telling,” said Jude Ellison S. Doyle, writer of the GLAAD Media Award-nominated series The Neighbors, “and to help Josh Trujillo bring new character Ethan Rivera—along with my own personal soulmate and/or best friend, trans icon Blue Snowman—into this universe. It’s also my first chance to work with A.L. Kaplan since Maw, and he’s a future legend who continues to awe me with his work. It was just really great, and healing, to hang out with a bunch of queer people and make some comics, and I could not have hoped to meet a more talented group of people.”
“What made this project extra special to me,” said Vita Ayala, writer of the GLAAD Media Award-nominated series New Mutants, “was the way that the collaboration of creating the anthology almost mirrors the framework and ultimate solution of the metaphor at the heart of it. We got together in a (virtual) room, each with ideas for our own piece of the narrative, and at the end of the time we had interwoven our stories in ways that make it hard to tell where one person’s contribution ends and another begins. We approached the work as collaborators, and ended up creating a community space that (we hope) welcomes everyone in from the cold, no matter what door (or which individual short story) people came through.”
Publishing on June 4th, DC Pride 2025 comes with a series of DC Pride-inspired variant covers publishing throughout the month of June. DC Pride 2025 brings DC’s heroes together when a century-old tavern, the center of queer life in Gotham City, unexpectedly announces its imminent closure. It’s a huge loss to the community, and generations of patrons return to pay respects to a space they’ve endowed with entire lifetimes of memories, wishes and dreams—including Alan Scott, the Green Lantern. Alan returns, for one last time, to the place he fell for his first love, Johnny Ladd, to touch the wall on which they carved the symbol of their love, to remember the days before everything went to hell for them…and to say goodbye.
But love is a kind of magic, and, in Alan’s experience, magic can take on a life of its own. Before anyone knows it’s happening, heroes, villains, and civilians alike from across the DCU with powerful ties to this mysterious place—the Question, Midnighter and Apollo, Harley Quinn, Green Lantern Jo Mullein, Bunker, Connor Hawke, and Blue Snowman among them—find themselves spirited away to strange, alternate worlds where everything they ever thought they wanted can be theirs…but at what cost?
Publishing on June 4th, DC Pride 2025 features a main cover by Kris Anka and variant covers by Sozomaika, Julia Reck and Jack Hughes (1:25). It’s written by Vita Ayala, Jude Ellison S. Doyle, Maya Houston, Sam Maggs, Tim Sheridan, and Josh Trujillo with art by Don Aguillo, Vincent Cecil, Derek Charm, A.L. Kaplan, Giulio Macaione, Alex Moore, Skylar Patridge, Emilio Pilliu, Max Sarin, and Phillip Sevy, and more.
DC announced the return of DC Pride, the anthology series celebrating its LGBTQIA+ heroes and how this version is different from year’s past. Read More