
Photo Credit: The Folio Society


SuperHeroHype can exclusively reveal an excerpt from The Folio Society’s DC: Superman.

The Folio Society is celebrating the legacy of the Man of Steel with DC: Superman, a brand-new collectible deluxe book featuring 12 iconic stories from creators such as Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Curt Swan, Marshall Rogers, Alan Moore, John Byrne, Dan Jurgens, Paul Dini, Alex Ross, and more.

The stories are selected and introduced by former DC Comics president Jenette Kahn.

SuperHeroHype can exclusively reveal an excerpt from “The Secret Revealed,” which is written by Byrne. Byrne, Terry Austin, and Keith Williams provide the artwork for the story, published in 1987’s Superman Vol. 2 #2, while the cover art also comes from Byrne.

Check out the exclusive DC: Superman excerpt below:

Photo Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio SocietyPhoto Credit: The Folio Society

Along with “The Secret Revealed,” DC: Superman includes:

Action Comics #36 (May 1941) – ‘Fifth Columnists’ by writer Jerry Siegel, artists Wayne Boring and Joe Shuster, and cover artist Fred Ray.
Superman #30 (October 1944) – ‘The Mysterious Mr. Mxyztplk!’ by writer Jerry Siegel, artist Ira Yarbrough and Stan Kaye, and cover artist Jack Burnley.
Superman #96 (March 1955) – ‘The Girl Who Didn’t Believe in Superman!’ by writer Bill Finger, artists Wayne Boring and Stan Kaye, and cover artist Al Plastino.
Superman #149 (November 1961) – ‘The Death of Superman’ by writer Jerry Siegel, artists Curt Swan and George Klein, and cover artists Curt Swan and George Klein.
Superman #400 (October 1984) – ‘The Living Legends of Superman – Chapter Four’ by writer Elliot S. Maggin, artist Marshall Rodgers and Terry Austin, and cover artists Howard Chaykin and Frank Miller.
Action Comics # 583 (September 1986) – ‘Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?’ by writer Alan Moore, artists Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson, and cover artists Curt Swan, Murphy Anderson, and Anthony Tollin.
Superman Annual #2 (August 1988) – ‘Love’s Labors …’ by writer Roger Stern, artists Ron Frenz and Brett Breeding, and cover artist Ron Frenz.
The Adventures of Superman #462 (January 1990) – ‘Homeless for the Holidays’ by writer Roger Stern, artists Dan Jurgens and Art Thibert, and cover artists Dan Jurgens, Brett Breeding, and Tom Ziuko. 
Superman #75 (January 1993) – ‘Doomsday!’ by writer Dan Jurgens, artists Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding, and cover artists Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding.
Peace on Earth (January 1999) by writer Paul Dini and artist Alex Ross.

Additionally, DC: Superman comes with a stand-alone replica copy of Superman #1 (which was scanned from an original copy held in the DC Archives), a rarely seen letter written by Siegel in 1934, a foreword written by Marjorie Liu, and more.

Click here for more information on The Folio Society’s DC: Superman.


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”}]] SuperHeroHype can exclusively reveal an excerpt from The Folio Society’s DC: Superman, a new collection of infamous Man of Steel stories.  Read More