DC Comics recently revealed their solicitations for issues coming out in March, and for the most part it’s about what you’d expect. There are a lot of continuations of ongoing series and a good number of first issues that had already been revealed as part of their All In initiative. However, there was one surprise as of yet unannounced, and certainly not one people were expecting: Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly #1.
This is not a joke.
Well, maybe it is a joke, but it’s something that very much exists and will be available on comic store shelves with all the others. If you have trouble finding it, don’t worry: the comic features “real artificial rub ‘n’ smell farts.” That means that not only do you get to see a cover of everyone being forced to smell her gas, you’ll be forced to as well. If that weren’t enough, we get this illustrative description of just how flatulent the comic promises to be:
I’ve been holding in all my very worst bits of bubble guts for the last 32 years, and it’s all been leading up to this epic expulsion! Your nose will never be the same! You’ll gag, you’ll cry, you’ll feel things you ain’t never felt before! This fine publication is a celebration of all things passed, pre-scent, and toot-ure. Sequential art’s place in the annals of history is about to change with the release of the Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly, a comic that promises to have the highest concentration of gas per page (GPP) ever committed to print. Emphasis on committed, because everyone who worked on this comic is getting thrown into Dr. Fartley’s Home for No-Good Gassy Gals ’n’ Guys. Read the comic that Abraham Lincoln called “a joy from fart to finish” moments before he died!
WARNING: We aren’t kidding. If you are grossed out by farts, then this comic isn’t for you (and that’s perfectly okay!…though I am judging you!). Unless you want to put your feelings to the test…in which case this comic is for you
Written by Joanne Starer
Art and Cover by Ted Brandt & Ro Stein
Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly #1 releases March 26.
“}]] DC Comics recently revealed their solicitations for issues coming out in March, and for the most part it’s about what you’d expect. There are… Read More