With the anniversary of Lobo, James Gunn has taken a moment to remind the fans that Jason Momoa has been cast as the bounty hunter for the upcoming DCU. Gunn’s tweet also lets the audience know that the actor is doing an incredible job with the role in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Although the Girl of Steel movie won’t premiere until 2026, fans are excited to learn more about Lobo’s role in this story.
Since Lobo isn’t in the original Tom King and Bilquis Evely comic, DC fans can’t know his role in the movie. However, many readers have theories regarding how Lobo will fit in the film. Lobo is both a ruthless villain and an occasional antihero. Besides, he has teamed up with some superheroes as much as he has fought them, so there are plenty of directions Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow could take.
The DCU Is Already Setting Up One of DC Comics’ Strangest Teams
The DCU is already doing a lot of world-building, and Superman appears to be paving the way for another superhero team to join the franchise.
Lobo Could Easily Be Supergirl’s Villain
The Bounty Hunter Has A Long History Of Antagonizing Kryptonians
The simplest assumption when pondering this is that Lobo will be a villain in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. This comic follows Supergirl and her newly found friend, Ruthye, as they go on a quest for revenge through space. They’re trying to find Krem of the Yellow Hills, a space pirate who killed Ruthye’s father and shot Krypto the Superdog with a poisoned arrow.
Considering Supergirl and Lobo’s moral alignments, it would make sense for the bounty hunter to antagonize Kara as the space pirate who killed Ruthye’s parents.
Those who have read the comic know Lobo could easily replace Krem in the whole overarching storyline since they’re similarly stone-hearted and travel through space looking for trouble. However, Belgian actor Matthias Schoenaerts has already been cast in the role of Krem of the Yellow Hills, so Lobo can’t take this role—unless Krem becomes his minion, which won’t make sense with the villain’s personality.
With this in mind, another option would be for Lobo to be an ally for the villainous Krem. At the beginning of the comic, Ruthye actually hires a bounty hunter to kill Krem, but the hitman turns out to be Krem’s friend, so he tells on Ruthye. By warning Krem of the bounty, the unnamed bounty hunter leads Krem to attack Ruthye and Supergirl first, setting all the comic’s events in motion. Lobo could be this bounty hunter, although that would mean he only has a cameo in the film. He could also be the hitman hired to kill Supergirl following Krem’s death. This would make him the villain of the film’s second half, allowing him to shine on his own and treating the fandom to a proper clash between Lobo and Supergirl.
Since the DCU is still a universe in the making, fans don’t know its approach to cameos yet. If it is anything like the Marvel Cinematic Universe in recent Phases, Lobo may have a small role like this, which will plant the seed for his future film. Of course, fans hope this isn’t the case since Gunn has been very vocal about Momoa’s role in the movie, so many believe he won’t be a villain. Instead, he just might be on the good guys’ side.
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Inspiring James Gunn’s DCU adaptation, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow takes Kara on a wild journey and highlights everything that makes her legendary.
Or He Could Be His Teammate, Just Like Tom King Wanted
The Author Revealed He Planned To Include Lobo InSupergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
Lobo is known for being a ruthless criminal with absolutely no conscience. He’s disrespectful toward women, he has no manners, and he kills for fun. It’s hard to imagine him helping Supergirl, but this is actually what Tom King wanted for his comic in the first place.
When Gunn first revealed Momoa would join Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow as Lobo, King revealed that the original idea for the comic was to make a Lobo/Supergirl team-up.
In a true homage to True Grit, King wanted Lobo to be the Rooster Cogburn to Kara’s Mattie Ross — the movie follows a drunk, amoral military man who accompanies a girl on a revenge quest. However, his editors requested Supergirl to be the Cogburn character instead, so he created Ruthye. The comic changed a lot after this, but King’s original idea wasn’t so farfetched. Sure, Lobo is cruel, but he has played the antihero before and King is known for delving into the psyche of his characters with certain ease.
Additionally, the bounty hunter has helped superheroes, too. In the New 52’s Justice League of America, Lobo joined Batman’s team because the pay was good. He also teamed up with the Dark Knight to escape together from a kidnapper in Deadly Serious. In the novel DC Universe: Last Sons by Alan Grant, Lobo also joined Superman and Martian Manhunter to survive a threat going after all of them.
All these times, he didn’t do the right thing out of morality but to get something out of it. Whether it was money, his freedom, or even protecting his life, Lobo had his own agenda. This could be his main motivation in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. If Krem, who is also a space criminal, has ever crossed Lobo, the Czarnian could join Kara and Ruthye on their quest to find him so he pays for what he did.
10 Best Lobo Comics, Ranked
Fans of DC’s Main Man will want to dive into some of his best comics before the character makes his live-action DCU debut in the new Supergirl movie.
Lobo Is Supergirl’s Antithesis So They Will Have An Interesting Dynamic
He Killed His Race While Kara Yearns For The Possibility To See Her People Again
So, having Lobo antagonize Supergirl would be the obvious option, but making him an uncommon ally will definitely add more spice to the film due to their abysmal differences. In a way, Lobo is Supergirl’s antithesis. She witnessed her whole race’s death, powerless to save them. He massacred his people himself without mercy. She embodies hope while he’s a cynical assassin.
A quest for revenge with both Lobo and Supergirl in the middle would make for great cinema.
First, they would have quite a unique dynamic- especially because Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow‘s Kara is far from sweet. Surely, the two will clash often, considering they’re incredibly stubborn, and Lobo can be quite misogynistic.
Additionally, their team-up would contrast the concepts of revenge vs. justice. The difference between these two concepts is one of the most important things in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Ruthye wants to kill Krem for what he did to his father, and Supergirl wants revenge on Krem for poisoning Krypto. However, the Maiden of Might won’t stoop as low as killing, and she actually joins Ruthye to teach her this lesson — among many others, some as simple as how to wash her hands.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is a story about kindness in an unfair universe and how this can change everyone, even those who consider themselves broken. This comic touches on deep topics like surviving trauma, the complex morality of murder, and even the power of forgiveness. Like all of Tom King’s books, it does it poetically, full of meaningful dialogues and gutting shared moments. The DCU should not strip the adaptation from all this.
‘An Extraordinary Experience:’ James Gunn Offers Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Update
Gunn says production on the highly anticipated DCU film is progressing nicely.
With Lobo as a villain, there isn’t really a discourse to explore. However, the movie can further explore these dimensions by adding Lobo to the mix as a Supergirl ally. He can embody true ambiguous morality, serving as a solid contrast to Kara’s mostly lawful personality and her many moments of tenderness towards Ruthye. This constant contrast can prove central to Ruthye’s own journey, which must definitely make it into the movie.
Regardless of Lobo’s role in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, fans are excited to see Momoa portray this character since he has wanted to do so for a while. Now that Gunn has confirmed he’s bringing Lobo to life in the best way, DC lovers are eager for the DCU to truly start.
“}]] Lobo didn’t factor into the original comic story, leading to speculation about his role in the DCU’s upcoming Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow adaptation. Read More