
Yes, Absolute Batman has been incredible, but fans nearly got a completely different take. Since the All In initiative began, fans have been enraptured by the adventures of DC’s big and bulky Dark Knight. But as the series’ writer reveals, readers almost got a completely different take on the Absolute Batman.

Absolute Batman writer and Absolute Universe visionary Scott Snyder spoke with the Comic Watchers podcast on YouTube and discussed the Absolute Universe. Snyder opened up about working on Absolute Batman, and revealed that he didn’t want to write the book originally.

Snyder admitted he would have preferred to do Absolute Wonder Woman, but Snyder discussed the pressure that was on him to find a big name for Absolute Batman. However, Snyder came around to the idea of writing Absolute Batman himself after talking it through with friend James Tynion IV, who encouraged Snyder to take the biggest swing he could.

Scott Snyder Wasn’t Originally Onboard with Writing Absolute Batman

DC’s Hit, New Universe Almost Looked Completely Different

Though extremely new, the Absolute Universe has become one of the biggest and most fascinating parts of the greater DC Universe. The world was created by Darkseid, whose body was destroyed after a fight with the Justice League. His energy settled on the newly-formed Earth-Alpha and began to shape and influence the world to reflect his dark ideals. Instead of being guided by hope, this world was beset by turmoil and adversity. Heroes like Batman and Wonder Woman did start to emerge, but they lacked the assets their Prime counterparts had, making their missions tougher than ever.

It’s understandable that Snyder had doubts about being the one do to Absolute Batman. After all, he had a long, fan-favorite run on the character throughout the New 52 and beyond. But with the series’ first arc almost over, it’s hard to imagine anyone else writing on this title. Snyder put a lot of effort into this book, from his ideas for Batman’s gear to the overall tone of the story. Had anyone else written it, it’s very likely fans would have gotten a completely different kind of Absolute Batman, possibly one that was less successful than Snyder’s.

It’s Best Snyder Came Around to Working on Absolute Batman

Who Knows How The Flagship Title Would Have Shaken Out?

That’s not to say that Absolute Batman would have been a failure if not for Snyder (arguably, Batman’s too big to fail). But Snyder had a lot of experience writing the Caped Crusader under his belt and his previous run was already filled with ideas that swung for the fences. He brought a bold, experimental energy that helped guide what the Absolute Universe needed to be. Had Snyder not been leading the pack with Absolute Batman, the Absolute Universe could have fumbled out of the gate.

Thankfully, Scott Snyder came around to the idea and the Absolute Universe was better for it. Maybe he didn’t get the chance to write Absolute Wonder Woman (not yet, at least), but he’s helped make this project one of the most successful ventures in DC’s recent history. It might not have been his first choice, but it’s hard to argue that Absolute Batman wasn’t the right fit for Scott Snyder.

Source: YouTube


“}]] Absolute Batman could have been quite different.  Read More