[[“value”:”Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 cover, via DC Comics.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #6 – Stephanie Williams, Writer; Khary Randolph, Artist; Alex Guimaraes, Colorist

Ray – 8.5/10

Ray: So far, each issue of this event has had the Amazos going after a specific hero, trying to harvest their power set. But this issue is doing something a little different – as the powerful robot is coming not for an individual, but for a whole civilization. Themyscira is usually neutral in events, but they made the choice to shelter some of the refugees from Waller’s rampage, and she’s responded by targeting the entire island for purging – not just to attack the Amazons, but to get her hands on the almost impossibly powerful ancient magic hiding there. The weakest point of this issue is that this is the one installment so far where the Amazo didn’t really seem to have any personality of its own or any unique interaction with the heroes – this one is just an implacable machine, cutting its way through the Amazons without a care. It almost reminds me of a Predator in how tactically ruthless it is.

Target: Themyscira, via DC Comics.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t stuff to like here – this is one of the most in-depth looks at the Amazons without the spotlight being on a specific one, and it’s great to see characters like Bia get the spotlight. There is also a great twist about what exactly Waller is after and how the spirits of long-gone heroes and villains play into it. This might be the issue that really drives home just how far Waller is willing to go and how she truly has no scruples anymore – even being willing to desecrate some of the most sacred places in the world. The Steve Trevor segment has him finally getting caught – only to pick up some unlikely allies tying in with another Absolute Power tie-in in recent weeks. Overall, this issue didn’t quite have the impact of a few of the other installments, but this series is doing a great job of expanding the world of Absolute Power with some high-intensity one-shots.

To find reviews of all the DC issues, visit DC This Week.

GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.

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“]] The Amazos have Themyscira in their sights – and they’re looking far deeper than just the Amazons.  Read More