[[“value”:”Batman: Off-World #6 cover, via DC Comics.

Batman: Off-World #6 – Jason Aaron, Writer; Doug Mahnke, Penciller; Jaime Mendoza, Inker; David Baron, Colorist

Ray – 9.5/10

Ray: Jason Aaron’s first DC work got massively delayed – so delayed that he’s four issues into a wildly popular Superman reboot – but it’s finally wrapping up here. This thrilling tale of a young Batman on his first space mission saw him declaring war on universal slavers, in a story that reminded me a bit of a grittier and more intimate version of what Superman did on Warworld. Now, Batman has made his way to the Blakksuns, the sadistic duo of crime bosses who run the slave economy – and one has psychic abilities that could drive him to madness. His occasional ally Ione, the Tamaranian bounty hunter, has the opportunity to collect a massive bounty on him – but Batman’s determination has a way of getting to people, and she instead returns to warn him and to form a plan with him. But to pull it off, Batman will have to be taken into the inner sanctum – and get closer than ever to death.

Whisper of death. Via DC Comics.

As Batman finds a way to get through to the psychic Whisper and show him something even more horrific than his torture, Wrath takes a much more direct approach – tearing through the fortress to get to Ione. And so, the motley crew of allies Batman has assembled – a bounty hunter, a cyborg wolf, and of course everyone’s favorite Punch-Bot – brings an end to the empire of the Blakksuns, but not before Batman and Ione make a surprising connection. I’m kind of hoping this character makes a return at some point, but the ending of the issue indicates that Batman has left a big impact in space. There was a lot of grit in this series, but ultimately it’s a story about hope, and a story of how Batman’s determination to leave no injustice unavenged transformed a whole galaxy. So far, Aaron has made a big splash in his time at DC, and it’s only likely to get better from here.

To find reviews of all the DC issues, visit DC This Week.

GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.

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“]] Before he can return home, Batman has one more battle ahead of him – with some surprising allies.  Read More