[[“value”:”JSA #4 cover, via DC Comics.
Ray – 9.5/10
Ray: This series has sort of kept us at arm’s length from the start, only showing us part of the story and keeping some characters almost entirely off screen. Every issue gives us a little more of the puzzle – and this one reveals some big ones. We open with Beth Chapel, the second Dr. Mid-Nite, as the blind vigilante wakes up in the headquarters of the evil society that’s targeted the League. She doesn’t have her goggles, but uses her other senses to find her way around the lair and pick up some critical information about the villains. Eventually, she’s able to get proof of life for some of the missing members of the Society – but not before the villains find her, and one in particular targets her for elimination. But she’s not the only member of the Society who’s gone missing – and one of the others have found themselves in a far more perilous situation that can’t be fought out of.
Rude awakening. Via DC Comics.
That member, of course, is Obsidian, who seems to be trapped in some sort of liminal space. He wakes up in a hospital, attended to by a smiling doctor who quickly injects him with sleep meds every time he questions his reality. As the days and weeks wear on, he starts to see shadows out of the corner of his eyes – and eventually clues in that he’s not simply trapped in a physical hospital. The battle to escape soon finds him in a strange realm where enemies can duplicate themselves and he’s not the only hero trapped here. This issue feels a lot like the last, in which it makes clear that the heroes are up against something far more than just a team of villains – they’re up against supernatural forces that have been controlling their fates for a long time. Lemire is very comfortable working with a large cast, and while this is a very different kind of JSA book, it’s no less compelling than the previous run.
To find reviews of all the DC issues, visit DC This Week.
GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.
“]] Without her goggles and in the lair of the enemy, it’s time for Beth Chapel to bring some secrets into the light. Read More