[[“value”:”Red Hood: The Hill #6 cover, via DC Comics.

Ray – 8.5/10

Ray: This series has been interesting for its look at a grittier version of Gotham (if that’s possible), one where Batman rarely goes and the citizens often take their defense into their own hands. The Hill was touched by Joker War in horrible ways, but it evaded the attention of Gotham’s big vigilantes. And into this story comes Red Hood, getting back in touch with his roots and soon finding motivation to pick up his helmet again. His story has been contrasted with that of the Harlowe siblings, sisters trying to help their home and their ailing father in their own ways – one as a journalist, one as a vigilante. And all the while, Demitrius Korlee Jr, a conniving tech executive turned criminal mastermind, gets his fingernails deeper and deeper into the city. This series had a lot going on from the start, often to the point where its many villains and subplots started running into each other.

Standoff. Via DC Comics.

That issue continues with this final issue, which sees Jason, Batman, and Dana Harlowe racing against time to stop Korlee’s plan. There’s a great reveal about the Korlee family that sheds new light on the villain’s motivation, as well as some fascinating interaction between the sisters as they pursue the truth in their own way. The addition of another mysterious villain, who seems to be in charge behind the scenes, isn’t fully resolved in this story. That makes me wonder if this whole thing is supposed to be chapter one – and if so, when we’re getting chapter two. There was a very big gap between the initial story that set this mini up and when we got the full story, and with at least one villain still on the loose at the end of this story, I would hate for history to repeat itself. This series has a lot going for it, and Martinbrough has a great handle on Gotham, but the format let this series down in places.

To find reviews of all the DC issues, visit DC This Week.

GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.

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“]] Red Hood’s past and present collide in one final showdown for the fate of the Hill.  Read More