[[“value”:”Two-Face #3 cover, via DC Comics.
Ray – 9.5/10
Ray: This series has an amazing concept, putting Harvey Dent as defense attorney for the secret criminal court of Gotham, and that allows the creative team to bring in elements from all across Gotham’s underworld. But it’s also been delving into a much more complex meta-story, as Harvey battles to keep his darker side under control and has actually built a psychic prison for Two-Face – one that the villain is working harder and harder to escape. The visuals of this secondary world are fascinating, especially once we see what the guards look like this issue. And Harvey’s increasing instability becomes clearer and clearer as a new case dawns – Scarface has been kidnapped, leaving the Ventriloquist desperate to get his best friend and boss back. And as Harvey tears his way through the criminal underworld and interrogates hoods, it becomes clear that an unexpected face is behind it.
The addition of Baby Doll to the DCU proper makes her the fifth character from Batman: The Animated Series to jump into the comics, and she’s always been a fan favorite. Her episode was one of the most tragic and emotional of the series, and this issue follows that playbook pretty faithfully. The “little girl who never grew up” is still desperate to find a family, and after kidnapping her former castmates didn’t work, she’s now chosen the wooden doll as her “husband”. It’s all suitably twisted, but the character’s desperation is shown really well. And the confrontation between her and Two-Face unravels fairly quickly, as it becomes clear that Harvey is losing control more and more. That leads into the last reveal, which makes a lot of sense when you think about it, but still serves as a complete gut punch that I didn’t see coming at all. Another great issue for a character I never thought would have a solo title.
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GeekDad received this comic for review purposes.
“]] The twisted Baby Doll makes her debut in the DCU as Harvey’s battle with his own mind continues. Read More