It’s a tough one and there are a plethora of arguments on both sides. I don’t have a great load of experience with the comics themselves, although I have read a few, but I have immersed myself with just about any movie and video game from both Marvel and DC I could get my hands on. At first, I thought Marvel was leagues ahead of DC in the cinematic world, but DC were producing far better games, particularly around the time of the Batman: Akrham series. However, Marvel have picked up the quality of their games quite a lot recently, and not just with the Spider-Man series. I thought Midnight Suns was brilliant, even for someone who doesn’t play a lot of turn-based games, and they could really tip the scales in their favor if they can nail upcoming titles like Wolverine. From where I’m standing, Marvel has more to offer me, so I tend to side with them. It’s a tough one and there are a plethora of arguments on both sides. I don’t have a great load of experience with the comics themselves, although I have read a few, but I have immersed myself with just about any movie and video game from both Marvel and DC I could get my hands on. At first, I thought Marvel was leagues ahead of DC in the cinematic world, but DC were producing far better games, particularly around the time of the Batman: Akrham series. However, Marvel have picked up the quality of their games quite a lot recently, and not just with the Spider-Man series. I thought Midnight Suns was brilliant, even for someone who doesn’t play a lot of turn-based games, and they could really tip the scales in their favor if they can nail upcoming titles like Wolverine. From where I’m standing, Marvel has more to offer me, so I tend to side with them.  Read More