Braniac (Jason Isaacs) meets his end at the hands of a LuthorCorp data spike in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024), Rocksteady Studios

The final content for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has revealed the true ending of the game. Despite Warner Bros. Games and Rocksteady Studios clearly straining to make amends for the game’s biggest narrative flaws, the result ended up being yet another final nail that condemned the game as one of the worst.

(Editor’s Note: Though obvious, we nonetheless must state this article will contain spoilers for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.)

Deathstoke’s (TBA) stands victorious over Brainiac (Jason Isaacs) in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024), Rocksteady Studios

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Going viral on X, the ending cutscene has appeared under several YouTube channels – GameClips uploading it twice, and the final cutscenes and battles of Season 4. For those unaware, or who had dropped the game before its additional content and use of barely-animated 2D cutscenes, it seems the Justice League wasn’t dead, even before the final season.

Brainiac had recovered the dead bodies of each member of the League and resurrected them to continue serving him and his “iterations” on other Earths. The Flash and Green Lantern were rescued in prior seasons to be used against Brainiac’s forces, and it’s during the recovery of Superman that the final ending is unveiled.

After landing the final blow on Brainiac, Harley narrates the final cutscene which hastily conveys what happened, and suggests everything. Superman appears, not only devoid of brainwashing but seemingly thanks to a living Batman. As Batman punches Brainiac, he reveals the Justice League members were clones.

It’s never exactly explained if the Justice League members we see in the ending are the clones, or if they are the original heroes having broken out somehow. Further, we also only see Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and The Flash. Wonder Woman is not seen at all in the ending, outside a statue of her on another Earth.

Rather surprising given the game became the poster child of the DEI support studio, Sweet Baby Inc.

ScreenTime (@screentime) via X

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Instead of handing over the recovered Justice League members to Amanda Waller – undoubtedly to misuse, as if the Suicide Squad could take on four League members at once – Hack, Lawless, and Toy-Man “short out” the bombs in the Squad’s heads.

As characters are seen teleporting away, it could be assumed it’s part of the Justice League attempting to help the affected worlds (possibly returning everyone home).

Harley then states the Squad will stick together and travel the Elseworlds. Brainiac is handed over to Waller, who can “take the credit,” at the risk of Lois Lane revealing the information she had been given on ARGUS.

Additional audio logs reveal what Deathstroke told the Suicide Squad; that while they were told to kill the Justice League, they were never expected to succeed, and Waller wanted to capture them for her own ends. Instead, the multiverse opened up the possibility of potential Task Force X recruits, and even a protégé for herself.

Lawless proposes to leak information to Lane as “insurance” to blackmail Waller and get out from Task Force X, only for it to be revealed that the entire Squad had individually been talking to Lane already. They proceed to send a finalized list of demands for Waller (faking their deaths, money to themselves and charities, etc.) and prepare to “die.”

Aside from Lois Lane being a world-famous reporter in most iterations of the DC Universe, it’s not explained how Waller wouldn’t have the resources to make the story, or her, disappear or be discredited.

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Another audio log reveals Waller’s interrogation of Brainiac. Along with revealing the Suicide Squad had stolen Brainiac’s Skull Ship to cruise around the multiverse, Brainiac’s attempts to negotiate better terms with Waller are rejected. She reveals Brainiac now has a bomb in his head to ensure he cooperates.

Even ignoring how rushed the ending is presented, it seems it desperately attempted to satisfy both those who hated and genuinely liked the story. Yet it nonetheless undermines itself at every turn.

The unceremonious deaths of the Justice League – especially Batman – are undone, yet undermine any stakes or drama of the “Justice League’s” evil actions, or fighting them. Superman wanting the League to “atone” is in character, but holds less weight as it literally wasn’t them.

Elseworlds Joker (JP Karliak) suffers a manic episode in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024), Rocksteady Studios

That’s assuming the clones were the ones players initially met- a point never made clear. Nor is exactly what Batman’s “plan” was, or how he orchestrated it. A desperate attempt to give the Arkhamverse Batman a last hurrah.

In addition, the implication that the Suicide Squad and Justice League’s adventure’s could continue is somewhat insulting to those already driven away from Rocksteady and Warner Bros. Games’ future works due to this game.

The aforementioned viral tweets and YouTube comments have shown poorly the ending has been received. Fans were upset Wonder Woman was still seemingly dead (and for nothing), the ending being a “lazy webcomic” that made the entire narrative of the game pointless, and a lazy attempt at damage control for the Arkham brand and future Rocksteady games.

Captain Boomerang (Daniel Lapaine) flips off the camera in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2024), Warner Bros. Games

Not to mention, the ending did not redeem the game narratively or overall.

NEXT: ‘Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’ Still Trying To Cling To Life, Launches New Zoe Lawton DLC To Less Than 300 Players

Mentioned In This Article:BrainiacOpinionRocksteady StudiosSuicide Squad: Kill the Justice LeagueWarner Bros. Games

More About:Video Game News

 The true ending for ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ tries to make up for the story’s flaws, only to annoy fans further.  Read More