Black Canary lacks power compared to Wonder Woman and Superman, falling short in power levels.
Elongated Man is redundant in a world with Plastic Man, making him of little use to the Justice League.
The Justice League is DC Comics’ flagship organization, a collection of the world’s greatest heroes brought together to combat planetary-level threats. Featuring an assortment of demi-gods, intergalactic entities, and some of the brightest minds in the galaxy, there are few foes insurmountable to their combined might.
10 Strongest DC Heroes Who Have Never Joined The Justice League
These powerful DC heroes make up the strongest who have never been part of the illustrious Justice League.
Over the years, though, in order to freshen the ranks, DC has introduced a plethora of new JL members and adjacent organizations, some of whom don’t quite live up to that moniker. Consider the desperate times Earth had to turn its fate over to the substandard heroes. These are the weakest DC Heroes to ever assemble under the banner of the Justice League.
Green Arrow
B-List Caped Crusader
Abilities: Master Archer and Marksman, High-tech Armor, Expertise in Acrobatics and Hand-to-Hand Combat
Let’s get some of the low-hanging fruit out of the way, and some of the more recognizable names as well. Many fans often list Batman as the weakest member of the standard Justice League, with the important caveat of prep time, but there have been several humans masquerading as heroes who’ve contributed far less.
Green Arrow is at the pinnacle of that platform and has certainly gotten his flowers in recent years, spawning the Arrowverse series of TV shows, but when Darkseid arrives, is he really going to be repelled with some fancy archery? It seems unlikely.
Black Canary
Canary Cry
Abilities: Ultrasonic Scream, Master Martial Artist
Black Canary is a very familiar supporting character in Justice League stories and is a very skilled combatant capable of dispensing any of the more grounded foes in the DC Universe. Her trademark sonic scream, dubbed the Canary Cry, is also a very handy tool for incapacitating enemies.
Her problem is, again, in comparison to some of the other most recurring members, like Wonder Woman and Superman, she still falls some way short in power levels. She can hang with Green Arrow and his rogues gallery, but when a villain like Brainiac arrives, it’s unlikely Black Canary could handle him on her own.
Elongated Man
Completely Redundant
Abilities: Elasticity
First off,his moniker alone deserves him a place among the weakest Justice League heroes, if nothing else, but the biggest issue with Elongated Man is that he is of little to no use to the Justice League in a world wherePlastic Man exists. Elongated Man was DC’s initial answer to the stretchy superhero, but when the more popular Plastic Man was later acquired from Quality Comics, he basically became redundant.
There are undoubtedly some benefits to elasticity and Elongated Man has endured in his adventures alongside his counterpart, but lacking the regenerative, invulnerability, and advanced shapeshifting abilities of Plastic Man makes him the hero to call when that other hero is already busy.
Little Help
Abilities: Size Alteration
Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man has done a lot to try and bolster the reputation of this ability, but the sheer level of quantum exposition dumps required to make him appear useful to the larger team passes the verdict on the subpar superpower. Aside from a crass fan theory that did the rounds regarding Thanos and certain orifices, there really is a limited number of situations in which shrinking down would be helpful.
Typically, Atom doesn’t even possess the ability to grow giant, shutting him off to the slightly more useful end of size-manipulation powers. It’s hard to see what he has to offer when the most fearsome foes come to town.
Vanishing Act
Abilities: Invisibility, Illusion Casting
Like a lot of magic-based superheroes, Gypsy’s abilities have strayed all over the map with her occasionally wielding more powerful abilities that could make her a useful ally. However, she is typically restrained to the use of illusionary manipulations similar to Marvel’s Mysterio.
The lack of a corporeal power means that, like Atom, she has a limited number of applications in combat. The character also strays uncomfortably close to a racial stereotype, dropping the pseudonym in favor of her name, Cynthia, in some more recent adaptations.
Adam Strange
Sci-Fi Action Star
Abilities: Jet Propelled Suit, Energy Weaponry, Alien Gadgetry, Eidetic Memory
To be fair to Adam Strange, he’s more a product of his time and his roots as a kitsch Buck Rogers-style sci-fi hero. Some people say history shouldn’t be judged through a modern lens, but considering his DC adventures have continued into the modern era, it seems to be fair game.
Adam Strange is an archaeologist with some alien technology, which is the basic elevator pitch. Ignoring the brief period where an accident merged his consciousness with the universe, there’s nothing special about Strange beyond his jetpack and ray guns aside from his eidetic memory. That ability is great for reminiscing about a time when he was still relevant.
Crimson Fox
Problematic Seductress
Abilities: Heightened Speed and Agility, Pheromone Powers
Another somewhat problematic female character from yesteryear—or rather two, as this was a mantle shared between two identical siblings. Crimson Fox is predominantly relegated to the less significant Justice League Europe and even then in a more supporting role to juggernauts like Elongated Man.
Crimson Fox dons a weaponized suit and exhibits some advanced cardio, but her only superpower of note is her use of pheromones to stimulate attraction in men. DC was perhaps swinging for a femme fatale, but that archetype isn’t normally associated with heroism, so she’s at best confusing, at worst outright misogynistic, and most likely unhelpful in a fight.
Hawkman (Fel Andar)
Impostor Syndrome
Abilities: Anti-Gravity Belt, Carries a Mace
Some kind of Hawk person is a common feature in the Justice League, depending on which era is being discussed. Because of complicated comic fandom, they are even considered founding members of the League. However, this refers to a very specific Hawkman who was not, in fact, a Hawkman at all, but a Thanagarian spy with no inherent powers.
Black Adam: 8 Things About Hawkman The Film Changes From The Comics
The Black Adam film makes a variety of changes to the comic book version of Hawkman.
Fel Andar was sent to infiltrate the Justice League with stolen Hawk technology by posing as the then-absent duo’s son. For shame. Andar’s tenure with the League was brief, but he did hang around for a bit afterward, having some adventures with Adam Strange and helping create Golden Eagle to somewhat redeem himself.
Unsung Hero
Abilities: Control Of The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Compared to some of these ‘heroes,’ especially getting down into the dregs here, Triumph is a pretty powerful ally. With a vague assortment of powers granted by his agency over electromagnetism, he could prove a formidable asset to the Justice League.
He belongs here for his sorry story. Triumph is a founding member of the Justice League who was lost to time, which erased the world’s memory of him. When he re-emerges from his situation decades later, he returns to the League only to be promptly booted out for his arrogance, eventually losing his soul to a demon and resorting to selling stolen merchandise to make ends meet.
General Glory
Comic Relief
Abilities: Olympic Level Athlete, Speech
General Glory is the dollar store equivalent of Captain America and, in fairness, is essentially intended as a parody of the flagship Marvel hero. However, being deployed predominantly as a comic foil doesn’t mean he still can’t stand out as the weakest Justice League member.
General Glory barely has any abilities beyond that of someone who hits the gym regularly, and is most often seen giving drawn-out patriotic speeches rather than contributing anything meaningful on the battlefield.
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“}]] For a team featuring Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern, the Justice League can afford to occasionally include some weaker heroes on its roster Read More