

The Flash #11 sheds light on the Speed Force, revealing it as part of a larger continuum that are expressions of time.
Cosmic beings called Arc Angles have been manipulating speedsters to destroy time, with Wally West as a key target in their plan.
Wally West’s family’s discovery of the true nature of the Speed Force could lead to new heights in understanding and utilizing its powers.

Warning! Spoiler for The Flash #11 ahead!The Flash’s strangest phenomenon, the Speed Force, finally gets the clarification fans have been hoping for. The DC Universe’s speedsters have been manipulated by cosmic beings with ill intentions. But recent events have helped shed light on the truth behind the source of the Fastest Man Alive’s amazing powers.

In The Flash #11 by Simon Spurrier and Ramón Pérez, the Flash Family gathers to figure out what’s going on with the glitches in their powers. The team realizes that Circuit Breaker has also been affected by the aberrations, leading them to theorize that the Speed Force and Still Force aren’t separate, but parts of a larger continuum.

Words from Flash’s children lead Inspector Pilgrim to confirm this is the case that all cosmic forces are expressions of the universe and that change is what connects them. Flash realizes that every force, including the Speed Force, is made of time.

The Flash is used to living an unconventional life, but he and his family have been the targets of a vast cosmic conspiracy orchestrated by powerful beings known as the Arc Angles. These beings wanted to destroy time, what they perceived as being the main cause of suffering, and to do so, they went after the Speed Force’s greatest conduit: Wally West. The Arc Angles and their flunkies lured Flash to a realm to erase his memories and make him the perfect delivery system for their ultimate weapon, the Crown of Thawnes, in order to destroy the DC Universe timeline.

It’s been hard to pin down what the Speed Force actually is and it got a whole lot more complicated when complementary forces like the Still, Sage, and Strength Forces were introduced. But now it’s confirmed that these forces are all a living expression of time that connects with conduits like the Flash Family. The Speed Force being directly connected to time makes a lot of sense given how fast and loose the speedsters have played with the timeline in the past. But what does this revelation mean for the Flash and the mysterious energy that gives him his power?

The Flash Can Bring Out the Best of the Speed Force

Wally West is one of the most brilliant minds in the DC Universe and even he’s struggled with understanding what the Speed Force actually is. Now his family has cracked the secret and it’s undoubtedly going to change things for the Flash and the Speed Force. This new understanding of what the Speed Force is could be a boon for the Scarlet Speedster. Now that the team knows what it is, the Flash and any other speedster can study the energy like they would any other scientific principle and take their powers to even greater heights.

The Flash #11 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash #11 (2024)

Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Ramón Pérez Colorist: Matt Herms Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou Cover Artist: Mike Deodato, Jr.

The Flash

The Flash is the superhero name given to the DC Comics character who utilizes unparalleled speed tied to a dimensional power known as the “speed force” to overwhelm their opposition. Premiering in 1939, the original Flash arrived as Jay Garrick. Still, it would be superseded by Barry Allen in popularity and featured status, but the Flash is one character that has met many of their alternate selves. The character is typically seen as a part of the Justice League in nearly all incarnations.

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