

DC’s decision to retire the Justice League was a mistake they are now correcting with the new
J ustice League Unlimited
Absolute Power
#2, heroes regroup to strategize against the Trinity of Evil, leading to the realization that retiring the League was a misstep.
Disbanding the Justice League led to disorganization and lack of cohesion among heroes, hindering their ability to function effectively.

Retiring the Justice League in 2022 after the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths and replacing them with the Titans was one of DC’s boldest moves in the last decade. While Nightwing’s team getting more page time was undoubtedly appreciated, the complete disbandment of the League was widely viewed as a controversial decision. Now, it seems DC is finally admitting that retiring the Justice League was a mistake and one they plan to rectify.

DC seems set to address this misstep of retiring the Justice League with the announcement of the new ‘
Justice League Unlimited’

In Absolute Power #2 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, the heroes who have managed to evade capture by Amanda Waller regroup at Superman’s Fortress of Solitude to strategize against the Trinity of Evil—Waller, Brainiac Queen, and Failsafe—and their task force of power-stealing Amazos.

Wonder Woman is the first to point out that hiding in the fortress indefinitely isn’t a viable strategy and that they need both a plan of attack and a leader. This sparks a heated debate among the heroes over who should lead the team. The argument escalates until Diana finally intervenes, declaring, “Enough! Gods, we were fools to retire the Justice League.”

Wonder Woman Calls Out the Mistake of Retiring the Justice League

Among the heroes bickering over leadership are Mister Terrific, Aquaman, and Batman—senior figures in the hero community who should be well above such petty arguments. Aquaman argues that, as a king, he is the natural choice for leader. Mister Terrific counters that Superman is the obvious pick, but Batman vetoes this and implies that he should lead, which prompts Mister Terrific to then nominate himself. This disgraceful display of disorganization and lack of team cohesion only underscores why disbanding the Justice League was a mistake.

After cutting through the squabbling and calling out the mistake of disbanding the Justice League, Wonder Woman critiques the current state of affairs, saying, “Now we can’t even talk to one another…” This statement underscores the crux of the problem: dismantling the Justice League fractured their essential connections, leaving them unable to function cohesively even when the stakes are at their highest. This moment makes it glaringly clear that DC’s decision to dissolve their most iconic and well-established superhero team was a monumental error, resulting in the team’s disintegration at a critical time.

The Justice League Is Returning This Fall With a New Series

The disbandment of the Justice League was more than just a narrative blunder—it deprived fans of their beloved superhero team. Fortunately, DC seems set to address this misstep with the announcement of the new Justice League Unlimited series at San Diego Comic-Con 2024. This series will feature fan favorites like Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Flash, alongside lesser-known characters such as Star Sapphire, Black Lightning, Captain Atom, and the Atom. The revival of the Justice League is part of DC’s All-In initiative, launching in October 2024, aimed at continuing cherished narratives while introducing new books and storylines for both longtime and new fans to explore.

Absolute Power #2 is available now from DC Comics.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is the superhero identity of Diana, Princess of the Amazons. Created on the island of Themyscira, Wonder Woman is a super-powered demi-goddess with extreme physical strength who utilizes magical gifts (like her famous Lasso of Truth) to defeat her foes. As mighty as her fellow heroes Superman and the Justice League, Wonder Woman is unmatched in her compassion and virtue.

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